Facebook Friends Graph on Ubuntu
I never really thought anyone other than me would be interested in seeing gargantuan graphs of their friends’ connections until I found out through this post on the OMG! Ubuntu! blog that my application was included in the GetDeb repository for Ubuntu users. I have not used Ubuntu myself since about never, but apparently you can now install the application on Karmic Koala with just a few clicks.
Edit: I have now tested the installation on Karmic myself and can guarantee that it indeed works without any fuss. Gotta love Launchpad/Ubuntu.
The application itself was in a pretty much skeletal state of being so I was a little taken aback by the exposure. Nevertheless, I was reminded of the famous aphorism apropos of open source development:
“Release early, release often.” — Linus Torvalds
And indeed, the bug reports that came from users were a valuable byproduct of the Ubuntu push as I had stopped development on the script after it started working fine for me.
Tags: Code, Deb, Facebook, Facebook Friends Graph, Friends, Graph, Graphics, Internet, Open Source, PyFacebook, Python, Social Networking, Statistics, Technology, Ubuntu, Web 2.0