

October 8, 2008

Trying out Firefox Geode

Filed under: Blog — krkhan @ 10:58 pm

Or, not really. Since my Firefox is built from source code on a 64-bit platform, all I could get while trying to install the pre-compiled extension was the following error:

“Geode” could not be installed because it is not compatible with your Minefield build type (Linux_x86_64-gcc3). Please contact the author of this item about the problem.

I have posted a comment on the Mozilla Labs’ blog post about the binary incompatibility and hope to get my hands on Geode’s source code soon for a tryout. The service sounds fun, even though it would take at least a few years for websites’ awareness of the W3C Geolocation Specification to mature enough to a point where everyday usage would be the same.

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October 3, 2008

Video: Kommon Man Sans Common Sense

Filed under: Blog — krkhan @ 7:34 pm

“Perhaps the world’s second worst crime is boredom. The first is being a bore.” — Jean Baudrillard

Uploaded on Facebook, here‘s the link. Only an account is required to watch the video, being in my friend list isn’t.

Edit: Facebook decided to take down my video because of the background track being copyrighted. I have also lost all the comments made on it. I guess I should have resorted to YouTube or MediaFire in the first place. Anyhow, here‘s the new link for download.

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